
Become a volunteer

Pigshill & Clarrick woods will provide a variety of volunteering opportunities in order to develop strong and diverse volunteer networks to assist with the restoration, management and improvement of the woods. Volunteering is about much more than practical conservation tasks in the wood.

Regular volunteer activities are run throughout the year, on varied days to suit the different volunteer groups.

It should be recognized that many forestry management activities can be dangerous and physically challenging; health and safety requirements may limit the activities that some volunteers can partake in.

become a volunteer

When you volunteer with us, you will get the chance to:

Help bring back native woodland for present and future generations

Work with like-minded people

Be outdoors breathing the fresh air as you get to know the landscapes of the breathtaking Rame Peninsula.

Physical exercise!

Vounteer with us

We will provide lunch and hot drinks as well as the tools, equipment and materials including trees, spades, stakes, trees guards, gloves, and the various other bits and pieces we use.

Our team of volunteer coordinators are passionate about what they do and love sharing their expertise and knowledge.

For more information on how to become part of the team please fill in the form below.