Who we are

Pigshill and Clarrick Woods CIC was formed in 2013 to manage the woods under a long lease.

It is run by three directors drawn from the local community and another three advisers. The work is accomplished with the help of enthusiastic volunteers and stakeholders.

For more information or to find out how you can get involved get in touch at info@pigshillandclarrickwoods.org.uk

Its key objectives are to:

Protect and enhance the woods’ ecosystem

Create employment and training opportunities for local people

Improvements in well-being for locals and visitors

Encourage education about the area’s natural environment

Want to become a volunteer?

Pigshill & Clarrick woods will provide a variety of volunteering opportunities in order to develop strong and diverse volunteer networks to assist with the restoration, management and improvement of the woods.

Volunteering is about much more than practical conservation tasks in the wood.