Our Vision

An educational working woodland.

The vision of Pigshill Woods CIC is to build a strong community enterprise that secures a safe and sustainable future for the woods while enhancing wildlife and community benefits with an educational orientation.

This will be delivered by a series of objectives under the three themes of ecology, community and sustainable business:


We are restoring the woods with native tree species to create a more resilient woodland and adopting management methods which aim to enhance the wildlife-value, biodiversity, and ecological integrity of the woodlands. Our aspiration is to act as a model of best practice in sustainable woodland management.


We promote the woods and encourage their greater use and enjoyment while maintaining and improving public access.  We want to increase community involvement in the management of the woods and provide opportunities for people to learn about this special environment through hands-on activities.

Sustainable business.

We will continue developing our CIC to generate income to support the sustainable management of the woods and associated activities and carry out woodland management and conversion of timber to a variety of products to generate this income.

The woodland is part of the wider social and economic mosaic of the Rame Peninsula. We can support this through contributions to tourism, jobs and training.