Welcome to Pigshill & Clarrick woods

Securing a safe & sustainable future for the woods

We are a 66-acre community woodland situated on the Rame Peninsula in Southeast Cornwall and managed by a Community Interest Company (CIC).

The woods are located in an Area Of Outstanding Natural Beauty and are part of a County Wildlife Site. Within the woods, we have areas of Ancient Semi-Natural Woodland and Plantations on Ancient woodland sites.

Who we are

Our Vision

The vision of Pigshill Woods CIC is to build a strong community enterprise that secures a safe and sustainable future for the woods while enhancing wildlife and community benefits with an educational orientation.

This will be delivered by a series of objectives under a series of three themes.


What we do

Active management of our woodlands results in a varied and biodiverse habitat, offering homes, food and shelter to a wide range of wildlife.




Supporters & Partners

We have a rich, suitably diverse woodland which provides the perfect canvas to practice traditional woodland management techniques on an educational and small-commercial scale. The locality and the community also provide opportunities for symbiotic relationships to develop by supplying materials to local boatbuilding, building and artistic creatives. We have worked with other local CIC’s to provide art and nature workshops.

We like to thank the following organizations for their support: